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规则 of Professional Conduct


   (b) A lawyer shall not intentionally:

       (1) Fail to seek the lawful objectives of a client through reasonably available means permitted by law and the disciplinary rules; or
       (2) Prejudice or damage a client during the course of the professional relationship.
   (c) A lawyer shall act with reasonable promptness in representing a client.


   [1]澳门赌场官网的职责, both to the client and to the legal system, is to represent the client zealously within the bounds of the law, 包括《澳门赌场官方软件》和其他可执行的职业法规, such as agency regulations applicable to lawyers practicing before the agency. 这一义务要求澳门赌场官网不顾反对意见,代表当事人进行诉讼, 阻塞, or personal inconvenience to the lawyer, 并采取任何合法和道德的措施来维护客户的事业或努力. A lawyer should act with commitment and dedication to the interests of the client. 然而,澳门赌场官网并不一定要为客户争取每一个可能实现的利益. 澳门赌场官网在决定采取何种手段处理案件方面具有专业的自由裁量权. 见规则1.2. 澳门赌场官网的工作量应该得到控制,以便每件事都能得到充分处理.
   [2]这一义务源于澳门赌场官网作为一种职业的成员,有责任帮助公众获得和保护现有的合法权利和利益. In our government of laws and not of individuals, each member of our society is entitled to have such member’s conduct judged and regulated in accordance with the law; to seek any lawful objective through legally permissible means; and to present for adjudication any lawful claim, 问题, 或防御.
   [3] The bounds of the law in a given case are often difficult to ascertain. 由于适用于不同的实际情况,立法法规和司法意见的语言可能是不确定的. 通过改变或发展宪法解释,可能使明显相关的法律的限制和具体含义受到怀疑, 模棱两可的律例, 或者司法意见, and changing public and judicial attitudes.
   [4] Where the bounds of law are uncertain, 澳门赌场官网的行为可能取决于澳门赌场官网是担任辩护澳门赌场官网还是顾问. A lawyer may serve simultaneously as both advocate and adviser, but the two roles are essentially different. In asserting a position on behalf of a client, 辩护人在很大程度上处理过去的行为,必须以辩护人发现的事实为依据. 相比之下, 作为顾问的澳门赌场官网主要帮助委托人确定未来行为和关系的方向. 在担任辩护澳门赌场官网期间, 一个澳门赌场官网 should resolve in favor of the client doubts as to the bounds of the law, but even when acting as an advocate, 除非所采取的立场不是无意义的,否则澳门赌场官网不得提起诉讼或为诉讼辩护. 看到 规则3.1. In serving a client as adviser, 一个澳门赌场官网, 在适当的情况下, 是否应就法院可能就适用法律作出的最终裁决提出澳门赌场官网的专业意见.
   [5](5)防止因单独执业澳门赌场官网停止执业而忽视客户事务, each sole practitioner should prepare a plan, in conformity with applicable rules, that designates another competent lawyer to review client files, notify each client that the lawyer is no longer engaged in the practice of law, and determine whether there is a need for immediate protective action. 看到 D.C. 应用程序. R. XI, § 15(a) (appointment of counsel by District of Columbia Court of 应用程序eals, on motion of 董事会 on Professional Responsibility, 澳门赌场官网死亡的案件, 消失了, or is suspended for incapacity or disability and no partner, 助理或其他负责任的澳门赌场官网有能力处理澳门赌场官网事务).
   [6] In the exercise of professional judgment, 澳门赌场官网应始终以符合委托人最大利益的方式行事. 然而, when an action in the best interests of the client seems to be unjust, 一个澳门赌场官网 may ask the client for permission to forgo such action. 如果澳门赌场官网知道客户期望的协助不符合职业行为规则或其他法律, 澳门赌场官网必须告知委托人对澳门赌场官网行为的有关限制. 见规则1.2(e)及(f). 类似的, 澳门赌场官网不损害委托人利益的义务受规则3所规定的对仲裁庭诚实义务的约束.3 and the duty to expedite litigation under 规则3.2.
   [7]澳门赌场官网热情地代表委托人的义务并不妨碍其同时承担的义务,即对法律程序中涉及的所有人都给予考虑,并避免造成不必要的伤害. 因此, 澳门赌场官网有义务积极追求委托人的合法目标,但这并不妨碍澳门赌场官网接受对方澳门赌场官网在不损害委托人权利的前提下提出的合理请求, being punctual in fulfilling all professional commitments, 避免进攻战术, 或以礼貌和体贴的态度对待所有参与法律程序的人.
   [8]也许没有什么职业上的缺点比拖延症更让客户普遍反感了. A client’s interests often can be adversely affected by the passage of time or the change of conditions; in extreme instances, as when 一个澳门赌场官网 overlooks a statute of limitations, the client’s legal position may be destroyed. Even when the client’s interests are not affected in substance, 然而, 不合理的拖延会给委托人造成不必要的焦虑,并削弱对澳门赌场官网可信赖性的信心. Neglect of client matters is a serious violation of the obligation of diligence.
   [9] Unless the relationship is terminated as provided in 规则1.16, 一个澳门赌场官网 should carry through to conclusion all matters undertaken for a client. If 一个澳门赌场官网’s employment is limited to a specific matter, the relationship terminates when the matter has been resolved. If 一个澳门赌场官网 has served a client over a substantial period in a variety of matters, 客户有时可能认为,除非澳门赌场官网发出退出通知,否则澳门赌场官网将继续持续送达. 澳门赌场官网应当消除当事人与澳门赌场官网关系是否仍然存在的疑问, 最好是书面形式, 这样客户就不会误以为澳门赌场官网在处理客户的事务,而实际上澳门赌场官网已经不再处理了. 例如, 如果澳门赌场官网处理的司法或行政诉讼产生了对客户不利的结果,但没有得到关于上诉的具体指示, 在放弃对此事的责任之前,澳门赌场官网应告知委托人上诉的可能性.
   [10]规则1.3是一项普遍适用的规则,并不意味着扩大或限制任何特定的规则. 特别是规则1.3 is not meant to govern conflicts of interest, which are addressed by 规则 1.7, 1.8和1.9.
